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Liv Hettinga

I apologize for not posting yet, I have been awfully busy lately. But I figured it was about time I had my first post, so here it goes!

My first week of clubs went very well! I was teaching with both Mikaela and Julia so it was a nice chill week. I had the amazing privilege of leading a child to Christ that week. However we did end up having to cancel one of our clubs because no kids came which was kind of a disappointment.

My second week teaching was also amazing! I was teaching with Julia again. That week I only had 2 clubs in the morning, but I’d have to say that it was the busiest week for me. Both clubs had about 20 kids, and it was also the week of my sister’s wedding which took a lot of time out of me! There was a lot to do that week, but it ended up going amazing with God’s strength and support.

I had a nice break after the busy wedding with the week off. I got to spend some time with family as well as my youth group went to Edmonton for a fun trip. I had a lot of fun in Edmonton! It was a very nice small vacation.

Now this week i’m back at it again! It was really weird for me to transition back into clubs after over a week off. Before I started today, I feel really guilty for this, but I was actually hoping that there would be no kids at the clubs so that I wouldn’t have to teach again. But I know that that was only Satan trying to put evil thoughts into my head. I also know that Satan will never leave me alone, and will never stop trying to discourage me, because he hates what I’m doing, and he does not want these children to hear the gospel. But God is so much more powerful than Satan, and in the end, God will always win. If I try to do this on my own, I will fail, but with God’s strength I can overcome the hardships. But to do that I know that I need to be spending time with God. However, I’ve also been struggling trying to find time to spend with God which I know is super important and I really really want to do. I am trying to start off and end each day with God; praying or being in His word. But also having Him with me as I go through the day. But It’s been really hard to do.

My first club today had 7 kids, but all of them but 1 had already been to the last club I taught. So we all knew each other already, and they already knew the stories. And there was this one younger boy who would just not sit down during the club and started walking all around the yard and started playing in mud, and just wouldn’t listen to me. He was a pretty big distraction for the  rest of the club, but I eventually got him to sit down, and I’m really hoping that this doesn’t happen again. My second club had 5 kids and at the end of club one of the little girl’s made the decision to become a part of the family of God!! I don’t think she had ever heard about Jesus before so I had to go over a lot with her, but it was amazing! I gave her a bible to keep, and she was super excited about that! It was such an encouragement to for me to be a part of leading another child to Christ. And I feel so honored that God would choose to use me to do work for His kingdom. Now all I want is for more and more kids to come to club and to hear the gospel and to become a part of God’s family!


James 4:7

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”


Some pray requests:

  1. That I would be able to find the time needed to spend with God
  2. That God would soften the hearts of the children to listen to the stories that we have to share
  3. That God would give me strength to carry on each day and to fight the devil’s lies and temptations
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