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Posted By: Olivia Mile | | 2 Comments

If I said something like “I almost crashed my car” again, my mom would get really mad šŸ˜› so I have to stick to something a little less stressful I guess.

My first club today was Indian Head (because the kids from Vibank joined my Montmartre club). We had three new kids, bringing our total to 11 registered. They were super excited about earning the hackey sack. I was kind of disappointed though, because the two boys who came for the first time today didn’t really seem to enjoy themselves and one of them even refused the first day package. So pray that maybe they will change their minds and come back tomorrow.

My second club, in Montmartre, had four new kids today so we’re at 22 registered. This is one of my biggest clubs all summer (the biggest so far being 27) so this is pretty exciting. The kids love it and most of them listen pretty well. We had some troublemakers today but we’ll have to see how it goes tomorrow.

This evening in Glenavon my club had two little girls (who actually came in Montmartre on Tuesday), so that was nice. They were a lot calmer than the kids last night and they are probably coming back to Montmartre tomorrow. So it’s kinda funny because I’m not sure if we’ll have any kids in Glenavon tomorrow but at least they’re coming to a club.

This week has had it’s ups and downs but I am ready for tomorrow and excited to finish off this week well. Thanks for praying for me!

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Well, I didn’t actually, but I thought it would make an exciting title. AndĀ driving on the grid roads today was pretty interesting, with all the rain, it was pretty muddy. There was some scary moments (and I wasn’t even driving that fast…) but God was watching over me, and I think I’m getting to be a semi-decent driver on gravel šŸ™‚

My first club today had just the two same host kids, so we’re going to be joining up with Montmartre tomorrow. So that’s nice for me because it cuts back the amount of driving I have to do, and I can actually be at my VBS in Indian Head for the first hour too.

At Indian Head, there wasn’t any new kids but almost all of the kids from yesterday came back. I got lessons handed in to me and verses were said so the kids are participating and enjoying themselves. The Pastor and his wife are just lots of fun too, so that’s great.

In Montmartre, we had a bunch of new kids. I think we’re at 18 registered, and it turns out that my cousins who used to live there in Montmartre were camping close by and are friends with my hostess, so they came and that was fun to see them.

I went back to the church in Glenavon at 3:00, even though we changed the time of the club to 6:30, just to make sure that any kids we forgot to tell about the time change didn’t show up. So there was no kids then, but I’ll probably go back just to make sure tomorrow. If kids show up then and in the evening, I guess I’ll just run the club twice. So I also went at 6:30 and 7 kids came then! So that was lots of fun, they were pretty rowdy but a few of them listened really well and I’m hoping they can come back tomorrow.

I don’t really have any specific prayer requests today, just patience and energy as this is a busy busy week for me, and that the kids at each club would listen and learn something from the stories, regardless of if they are three or thirteen.

Thanks so much everyone, and again, especially to my CG Elfrieda. You are a huge blessing!! Thank you so much!


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Posted By: Olivia Mile | | Leave a comment

After a fantastic long weekend off with my family, I’m back to work with four clubs in Vibank, Indian Head, Montmartre, and Glenavon.

My first club is in Vibank, from 9:30-10:30. They’re on aĀ farm and they said they did some advertising but we only had the hostess’ two kids so far. This is their first year hosting, but they seemed to love the club and said they might call some more people tonight. We decided that if there aren’t more kids tomorrow then they might just join up with my Montmartre club later, since they’re at swimming lessons there, right before that club. So we shall see how the week goes.

The second club is a VBS in Indian Head. This one starts at 10:00 so I don’t get there til 11:00 for the teaching hour. They had 8 kids there today. They were all pretty good except some of the kids kept complaining about being tired, and not wanting to stand to sing the songs, etc.

Next is my club at a farm just outside of Montmartre. It’s from 1:00-2:00 and we had 14 kids there today! The hostess has been doing clubs now for about 6 years she said, so they usually have a pretty good turnout. This one was super fun except for some minor distractions from some of the younger ones.

Lastly I have a club in Glenavon at The Church on the Hill. I got there around 3:00 for the club but unfortunately we didn’t have any kids come. So the Pastor and I drove around a bit and reminded some people and through talking to the people in town, we decided that 6:30-7:30 would be a better time, so we moved the club up. So I went back there today at 6:30 but there was still no kids. I think a lot of them are on holidays or camping or whatever this week, so that’s too bad. But I think there will for sure be kids on Thursday, so we’re going to stick this week out and see how we can do. We’ll have a 2 day club if necessary! šŸ˜›

So far my week has gone pretty well. I do have some prayer requests:

  1. Safe travels. I have a lot of driving to do this week, so please pray that I will be able to make it to and from all my clubs in good time and safely.
  2. More kids at my Vibank club! The hostess is really enthusiastic so pray that some more kids show up. And if not, we’ll combine with the Montmartre club and I think that will work out just fine too.
  3. Energy for the kids in Indian Head. They seemed pretty tired today and they kept complaining so pray that God will give them energy and enthusiasm to participate.
  4. Less distractions for my kids in Montmartre.Ā Some of the littlerĀ ones (3-4 yrs)Ā are just a bit distractingĀ to some of the older ones.
  5. Kids!! šŸ˜€ we need kids here in Glenavon. My host told me they had about 19 last year so it’s kind of oddĀ that there aren’t any so far. So please pray that kids will come and I’ll be able to adjust all my storiesĀ and everything well to fit into 2 or 3 days instead of the 4.

Thank you so much for praying for me! This is looking like it will be a good week out here. Pretty busy, but lots of fun. So thank you! Your prayers are certainly felt and much appreciated.