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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

I can honestly say I have not felt so mentally drained as I have today… I felt like the entire day was a series of gongshows. Just one after the other. I honestly don’t even know how capable I was at teaching the gospel. I pray that by God’s grace the kids were able to learn something because today I felt that I was supremely inadequate. But God is good. All the time. And He can use anyone to reach kids.

ALL 5 of my clubs had kids today! I nearly cancelled one due to no kids the first three days but there was kids at all 5! I was so glad. My first club had 17 kids at it, and one kid really wanted Tony to be a dinosaur. I told him that a dinosaur would not be very good at running a store and he seemed to agree with me. I must admit 3 year old logic is the best kind of logic most days.

My second club finally had kids! One of the girls had been at my first club the day before when we informed her there was actually a club in her own town. So she brought a friend today. But I had a lot of catch up to do in the Tony story.

My third club was great. The three littlest boys always have so much energy.  I also have kids in it that have heard all the stories before and are not wanting to participate in the songs or memory verses. I am not entirely sure why they return if they don’t want to do anything, unless its only to look smart for knowing everything already. I really hope its because they like the stories and that God is working on their hearts. But all their dissension is relayed to the three younger ones, who then also want to rebel. But this has been going on all week so I just have to tell them to not give away the stories and really encourage them to participate. I told them they are not allowed to say “no” to songs or memory verses if they come to club.

Club four was good. There were 5 girls. It was a little chaotic but a lot of fun. They informed me that one of the pages makes it look like Tony is selling decapitated heads along with all his oranges. The heads belong to people who are shopping in Tony’s store, but their body’s are hidden behind a shelf that is tall enough to just show their heads… I can’t disagree that there are just floating heads that kind of look like they are sitting on shelves. Haha but we got through the club alright.

My fifth club had three boys, but what we lacked in numbers we made up for in nonsense and energy. Haha all the boys are the same age and are all related or super close friends. I cannot even put into words how amazingly crazy this club was. I actually really enjoyed just being their friend. They didn’t treat me like a teacher most of the club but they treated me like one of them. Which was a little hard to adjust to while also trying to gain their respect as a teacher. But we survived. Probably just barely. I honestly hope that they can at least learn from the lessons!

I have just loved these kids this week. Although today was riddled with distractions and chaos everyone got out alive and stories were told. I just hope that God was able to use me in a way i can’t see because I do not feel confident in anything I did today.

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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

Surprisingly unexpected… This is actually the slogan of Moose Jaw.  Now I think it is a little redundant and unnecessary for the slogan of a city, but I think it thoroughly describes my feelings of today.  I was surprised by a multitude of occurrences.  I will admit that not all of the surprises were good surprises, but surprises none the less.

This morning I woke up and lazily checked Facebook as I was trying to adjust to the light of a new day.  First surprise. Not a good surprise.  I am friends with the pastor from Mossbank on Facebook as I have been at that VBS three years already.  He shared a post regarding a lady from that community had passed away this week in an accident.  This is a lady that helped every year at VBS.  I knew this lady.  I was very devastated.  But I am confident she is with the Lord now.

Second surprise, and this one is a good one! I showed up to my club in Rosenhof and was welcomed with a few new faces! Our attendance has 19 names on it!!! Now all of those 19 were not there today. Some due to their parents not wanting them there… So I hope that they will be able to attend again this week at some point!

I went to my club in Waldeck again today with no kids showing up. But I learned that a girl at the Rosenhof club is actually from Waldeck.  Her mum said that she would try and bring her and some more friends tomorrow.  I hope she does or else I fear I will have to cancel this club.

My third club is in Swift Current. And some of my repeaters from last week did not return.  This surprised me.  They have been so eager all week to return everyday again, and then they just didn’t show up.  But the rest of the kids worked on their memory verses with me and were able to get some pass it on cards.  This one little fella was so stoked to have picked the lady bug one.  He showed it off to me, his grandma, his aunt, the other kids.  The joy he had on his face after struggling so hard to memorise his verse was priceless!

My fourth club is also in Swift Current, and probably had the greatest surprise of all.  I had just started teaching the Noah story when one of the girls asked if we were almost done.  Well I said I had the whole bible story to get through.  She stated, rather insistently, that we had to get to the part where I ask if anyone wants to invite Jesus into their heart.  I told her we could do it then and there.  She was so excited! We prayed together, and then we finished the bible story.

Another great surprise. My last club has had pretty small numbers of about 2 all week.  Well today we had 8 kids! I was so excited.  They were a bit rowdy but we got through it all.  Also all the kids (who were all acting pretty cool in the club) were super stoked to get lessons at the end! I am so encouraged by these kids.

I have greatly enjoyed my time in Swift Current again this year!  I will be sad to say goodbye to all these kids on Friday!

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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

Well week 2 has commenced! I am pretty excited to see what happens!

My first club began at 9 in Rosenhof, but actually did not begin until about 9:25. Haha but it was worth the wait. There were 11 kids! I was so encouraged. And I taught most of them at that club last year. They are a fun bunch, a good mix of ages and personalities.

Club number two is at a park in Waldeck, and there were no kids. So tomorrow before club I am going to go find some kids, hopefully! At my third club a mum sat in and I was saying how I didn’t have kids in Waldeck. She told me she drove the school bus there, and where I would have better luck advertising.

My third club was in Swift Current. It had six kids. I had taught all of them before at some point. Three of the kids were the hostesses great grand kids and i had taught them the year before, and the other three I had taught last week. So they kept trying to get out of singing or saying the memory verses, but I made them do them anyways. I didn’t want the rebelliousness they were exhibiting to spread to the younger three who didn’t know the songs.

My fourth club had four kids. I have taught three of the four at that club last year. It is actually just really nice being around kids you have already taught and seeing how they have changed in a year.

My fifth club had two kids. It took a bit of encouraging from one of the boys dad, but they both finally consented. It was good. They didn’t want to sing the songs but i went through the verses pretty thoroughly. And then we went through the stories. One of the boys wont be there tomorrow so I am not sure what is in store for that club.

Prayer requests for this week would be for endurance as I am trying to get over some fatigue.  As well as kids for the clubs! I would love to be able to reach as many kids as possible in these communities. I guess guidance in where to advertise would also be appreciated. Advertising is not my favourite thing, mostly because I have a really hard time approaching strangers.