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Mikaela Sawatsky

Hey! My name's Mikaela Sawatsky and I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I'm sixteen years old and will be going into grade 11 in the fall. This is my first summer teaching 5 day clubs. I'm so unbelievably excited to see what God has planned for my summer! I know that with His Spirit in me I will be able to reach children for His kingdom.

Hey everyone!

It’s time for my first blog which I’ve been putting off for forever because blogging isn’t exactly my thing but here it goes.

I’m going to take a quick look back at the first club I ever had which was during training week. On the Wednesday of that week I taught the Bible story and had the opportunity to lead one little girl to the Lord. And honestly for me that was one of the most exciting moments of my life knowing that I had just shown this girl the way to salvation and I knew from there on that I was going to love the summer.

This week was our first official week of teaching clubs and it has been so fun. We only ended up having two clubs because for our last club no kids ever showed up which was kind of discouraging because we advertised to a lot of houses where children lived but none of them ever came. But that same day in our first club 2 kids, a little boy and a girl asked Jesus into their hearts. It was so incredible to see the joy on their faces and in their hearts.

This first week has been incredible and I’m so excited for all the rest to come! Here are a couple prayer requests I would have.

– That I would not neglect my own relationship with God even in the business and craziness of teaching.

– To always be praying for the kids in the clubs as well as the clubs themselves. 

– That God would use my weaknesses and turn them into strengths for his glory.

And I think that wraps it all up! I can’t believe that one week is already over! Until next time!

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