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Nick Dohms

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Hello friends and family and fellow coworkers this is my second year teaching five day clubs and only my first time blogging… well today is a sad day and throughout my blog you’ll find out why so grab a seat a bag of popcorn and a drink because it’s going to be the ride of your life.

So this first week has been challenging in many aspects. I learnt lots and have grown much and having a partner of Micaiah I’m bound to have a good time. But this isn’t why I’m writing this blog, no this blog today is a one of pain and sadness so let’s begin.

And It all begone one day after clubs. Micaiah and I were driving home from the club and all of a sudden I looked out my window and my heart stopped it was like I died for a moment. It was a peculiar feeling one which I had never experience and one I will remember for the rest of my life. Now you maybe wondering when I saw out my window but I Will answer that later. Later that day I couldn’t get this out of my mind, my chest hurt, my heart hurt and my brain was on the edge of going crazy. I cannot control myself this pain is taking out taking me over.

This feeling wouldn’t leave me, and so I talked to many intellectual people and they had nothing to say. And so I slept that night with a knot in my stomach not knowing what I should do.

And so I woke up for breakfast and our billet was sitting at the table and before I could say anything he said Nick I think you have a disease One that plagues the heart and the mind. This is a contagious disease one that spreads quickly and cannot be fully healed. And now you guys maybe thinking what is this disease, well in all entirety I didn’t know myself. And so we talked for a while and you see our billet was very wise man Who had gone to university and studied many things, But medical things no.

So I was confused and scared for I didn’t want to have a disease. But he did finally explain what this disease really is. It wasn’t one that can be cured by pills, it wasn’t one that can be cured by medical technology nor medical attention no this one can only be cured by God.

And you see that day I was driving back from my club and I looked on my window I saw a bunch of kids playing. And my heart stopped from thought that those kids might not know Jesus and the thought that I might not see them in heaven one day. And you see this disease wasn’t one of physical pain no it was one of spiritual pain.

You see we are on this earth for such a little time that we must go into this evil and twisted world and be ambassadors of Christ. It is our duty as Christians to tell the world about Jesus because in reality nothing else matters. So I pray and need prayer that all of us are going 100% for Jesus and his kingdom. And that we would strive to tell the whole world about his name.

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