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Posted By: Lauren Ryan | | Leave a comment

Hello Everyone!  Well…I think I’ve waited long enough to write a blog.  I am teaching two clubs this week.  One is at Oungre Park and the other is at Nickel Lake.

My first club  this week is out at Oungre Park.  This is the second week this summer that we have been able to offer club to the kids in this area. We work around the swimming lesson sessions to be able to reach different kids.  We had an awesome response during the first set of lessons.  Its been exciting to see God’s hand as we have been able to host clubs at the park for 6 summers  and because of the open door many boys and girls have come to know the Lord or have been spurred on in their walk with the Lord.  The park is somewhat quiet this week and even the swimming lessons aren’t full so its been more of a challenge to find kids to attend our club.   I had 4 kids on Monday then on Tuesday it decided to rain and be extremely windy so my attendance dropped to 1 child.  Today it was nice and sunny outside so I was thinking that there would probably be more kids but it was just the one kid again.  Please pray that God will supply children to come for the last two days and encourage the boy who has been faithfully attending.

Weyburn seems to be a difficult community to find willing host families but God always provides in His perfect way and this year the regional park was more than willing to let us host not just one club but three, isn’t that amazing.  I taught my first week at the park and I had 8 kids at the club.  The first day I was in the middle of telling the extra story and it started pouring rain…I thought that I was going to lose all of the kids but they all stayed and we moved the club somewhere else where there was shelter.  All of these kids weren’t from around here and were camping at the lake for a few weeks.  Three of the kids loved club so much that they said they would go the next week when Janessa was teaching the club.  So I prayed that they would go again the next week.  Sure enough they did, and Janessa led all three of them to the Lord!  God is Good 🙂  This week the first night I wasn’t sure if there would be any kids because there was a tornado warning in our area and it was very windy.  It was 6:15 and I was starting to think that it was going to be a no show…then all of a sudden I see four girls running toward me to come to club.  At the end of the club that night I had 8 kids in total.  On Tuesday it wasn’t very nice weather…it was raining and there was extreme wind so there weren’t any kids that day.  Today I went there expecting to have kids because it was sunny outside.  But when I drove into the park it was dead so I waited for a few minutes and no one came so I went to the park beside where I was having the club to do advertising but nobody ended up bringing their kids.  Tomorrow is the last day for this club.  If you could just pray that God will soften the hearts of the parents to let their kids come to club.

Thanks for your prayers,


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Posted By: Janessa Robertson | | 1 Comment

God is so good. All the time. When we see the impact we are making and when we don’t.

Yesterday I asked for prayer for a little boy in my first club who raised his hand but left before I could talk to him about asking Jesus into his heart. WELL. Today he accepted Christ! And two others in that club did too!

In my next club, yesterday I had no kids. Today I had 1! He comes from a rough home and knows nothing about God or anything. He thought that “God” and “Jesus” were just swears. So being one on one with him was the best thing for him because I got to go into a lot of detail about all of his questions (and he had a LOT of questions. God knew what that boy needed and was looking out for him. He said he wanted to accept Christ but when I got talking to him about it he really didn’t understand. He had a lot of fun so he plans to come back tomorrow! Please be praying that as the week goes I will be able to explain everything well so that he can understand.

In my third club I had 3 decisions!! All three of them went to a club that Lauren taught the week before (also at Nickel Lake) but hadn’t become Christians. But when I gave the invitation all 3 wanted accept Jesus! Just another example of how you don’t know how much of an impact you are having. Those three didn’t accept Christ in Lauren’s club last week, but the seed was planted. And then this week they made decisions! God is just so good.

So today 6 kids decided to do a 180 with Jesus 🙂


  1. The boy from yesterday accepted Christ 
  2. 6 kids came to Christ
  3. There was a kid at my second club


  1. God to continue to soften the hearts of the kids and parents
  2. That the kids who come to Christ this summer (all across Alberta and Sask) will continue to grow spiritually after the clubs end. And that they get plugged into churches!

Thank you for your prayers, we serve a God who hears and answers.


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Posted By: Janessa Robertson | | 1 Comment

So I got lost going to my first club today. Well, actually… I ended up at the house that my itinerary said buuuuut that wasn’t the hostesses house. Awkward, I know. But it wasn’t too bad because the people at the house I showed up at weren’t home. Their dog wasn’t too impressed, though. I ended up calling the hostess and figuring out where to go, and I was only 5 minutes late. It was a fun little adventure to start out my day.

At my first club, one boy raised his hand (when I gave the invitation) but ended up going inside the house after the club and didn’t come out. I was pretty bummed that he left without me being able to talk to him, but since he’s the hostesses kid he will be back tomorrow, so I will be able to talk to him!

My second club was at Nickel Lake (at the campground) but there were no kids!! 🙁 So me and my billet’s kids (my billets are also hosting this club) went around and tried to advertise. Where are all the kids??? Not at Nickel Lake… We decided to move the club to the evening in hopes of having more success.

My third club was in Weyburn! But there were no kids. So back to advertising! I am hoping and praying that some kids will come tomorrow.

Nickel Lake Round 2! So, as I said, we moved the Nickel Lake club from 2:30-3:30 to 6:30-7:30. This was a good move because we had two girls (plus 3 of my billet’s kids)! We also have two or three boys who want to come tomorrow, so pray that their mom lets them!

I can’t believe it’s only Monday… I’m way too tired for it to be only Monday! But it was a fun, adventure-filled day 🙂

Prayer Requests:

  1. That I will be able to talk to the boy from my 1st club about asking Jesus into his heart. (And if it was fear/ doubt/ etc that made him leave that God would be working in his heart)
  2. That kids will come to my club in Weyburn
  3. That more kids will come to the Nickel Lake Club (and that the girls who came today would come back)
  4. ENERGY! Tomorrow shouldn’t be as busy as today was, which is good. But if you could pray for energy for me I would greatly appreciate it! 🙂
  5. Boldness. (see what I did there… 😉 ) I want to be a light outside of my clubs and talk to people God puts on my heart about the Gospel… so I would appreciate prayer for bravery as it is scary to approach someone you don’t know and boldly tell them the Good News.

Peace, Blessings, and all that good stuff,
