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Posted By: Crystal Durell | | Leave a comment

Today was a super awesome day!  Two decisions, and I gave both kids bibles!  One girl, her and her sister have been coming the whole week.  On Monday they said they weren’t sure if they were coming back, but they’ve made it back every day since!  But they never got to hear the end of Zacchaeus’s story… until today!  They finally got to hear it! (Praise the Lord) And the oldest one asked Jesus into her heart.  She’s from an unchurched family and I gave her a bible.  It was so wonderful to see her make that decision.  I think she’s wanted to do it all week, and we finally got to do it today!

Another boy in my second club also asked Jesus into his heart. (Woot woot!)

Its sort of sad to think that tomorrow is the last day of clubs… but I’m glad God has let me see him in action.  This was such a good summer.  Tough, but very rewarding.  The best part about being a summer missionary, is being able to see God’s hand at work, and I can’t wait to see and to hear about what God will do on the last day, and I’m very greatful.  I can’t do anything without God, with out Him, this would be impossible, but all things are possible through Christ!  I can say honestly that it was none of my work, I just obeyed, and God gave me the best steats in the house!

God Bless!


Kids Quotes:

Me: does anyone know what Romans is?Girl: romance? Is like when you’re in a relationship?

Boy: (insert name here) and I promised eachother that we will never EVER get married!… (hostess and I were kinda laughing at this one)

Me: Maybe one day you won’t mind so much. :3

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Posted By: Crystal Durell | | Leave a comment

So first of all, I’m teaching with God this week, he’s my only partner… and I’ve come to learn a few things about myself.  That I can do actions good, and I can turn the pages of visuals good…  BUT WHEN EXPECTED TO DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME BOTH SUFFER TERRIBLY!!!!

So please, pray for some extra help in that area.

Second- CLUBS!

Club 1: it’s a really fun club, we have some hindu kids coming, and today a group of aunt’s and a grandfather came today.  The grandfather didn’t look very impressed, and they wanted to check out the club.  I’m a bit nervous as they are going to be sitting in on the club tomorrow, but the kids seem to be really into learning about Jesus.  Even if they aren’t happy just pray that the kids will keep coming and that God will take care of them.  Also, some unchurched kids have been coming and they are having some problems listening to the stories, and they don’t want to do the songs.  (In the middle of ‘let’s get started’ I said, “if you dont stand up you don’t get prizes.”  To which they immediately stood up)  Not just them, everyone seems to have some problems listening especially at the end.  Pray for listening ears!

Club 2: up a few more kids!  Most of them younger kids.  But they really like the songs *so refreshing from my first club*  also they seem really interested in the stories, just pray for these guys to open their hearts up to God.

Club 3: we had more kids!  A few a really rambunctious… some who genuinely want to listen.  Some churched, some unchurched, its a pretty healthy mix.  We had a girl who went to a club last week, but she loves clubs so much, she came back this week! (For stories I swore her to secrecy, so anytime that I have to pause she smiles and says “I know what happens! But I can’t tell anyone.” So cute XD )  Not only, but the unchurched girls came back!  Praise! They really want to know how Zacchaeus’s story endsbut every time I get to it, their mom comes and picks them up to go!  Please pray that there will be time to tell this story!  (And for listening ears)

That’s it for clubs, but also some stuff that’s going on that can best be described as ‘some serious personal biz’.  I’m trying my best to keep it from interfering with my job, but it’s difficult because my job is not just the 3 hours a day, in my clubs, it’s  all the time after when I spend it with brothers and sisters in christ, and when I am playing with the kids before or after a club.  I dont want anything to get in the way of what God wants me to do.

For those who pray, thank you for your prayers.

Over and out! God bless.

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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

Hello, so i figure I should sum up the end of last week and then dive into the first day of this week.

So by then end of last week I had 49 kids on my attendance sheet in Mossbank, and 7 on my Assiniboia one! It was such a great week! I was able to stay with a billet I have stayed with previously and was able to meet some of her family. I was able to teach a small club in Assiniboia that I grew to love dearly! We had a fun time battling mosquitoes, and then battling the distractions that inside seemed to pose. My Mossbank club had 23 kids on Friday who were eager to each shove a plate of whipped cream into my face! This was my fourth year teaching at Mossbank and I have loved every minute of it!

This week I am in Meyronne, Woodrow, and Lafleche. I stayed with this billet a few weeks ago so its nice to be back in familiar territory. As soon as I arrived last night we were off and running. Haha it feels so normal to just jump into whatever my billet is doing when I am here! So many adventures! Well this morning at my billets place we had 6 kids. It was great! We had a fun time singing. I even ventured to sing Garbage in, Garbage out. Most of this kids are younger and not amazing at reading yet, and they already know GIGO so I thought it would be fun to wing it!

My club in Woodrow did not have any kids. The Pastor worked so hard polling people to see when they would be around and trying to arrange the perfect week. I really want there to be kids this week! I was praying and reading my bible whilst waiting for kids when the Pastor came to visit. We chatted for a while and then his sister dropped in with a friend, so we toured the church, and they made me teach them a song! Then we all went to his place and had dinner. I had a lot of fun.

The Lafleche club had 13 kids today! We were all inside because the mosquitoes are awful! But the kids were great! Even though there are some older boys they still sing the songs… probably because their moms sit in on the club and make them! I am excited to see where this week goes. But also sad because its the last week…

Prayer requests:

~That the Woodrow club would have kids.

!And that the Mosquitoes go away.

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Posted By: Crystal Durell | | Leave a comment

After intense examination, I can assure you that I am in fact alive and did *not* drop off the face of the earth for a month.  (Vacation, terribly sorry to all of you)


First of all, some intense catch up.  My Kamsack week had a total of 6 decisions!  God is so great!


But now to the present (or perhaps more recent past)

Assiniboia!  What a lovely place!

First club we had 13 kids! So many of them paid attention and did really well, we have some hindu and unchurched kids so please pray, but praise! We had an awesome turnout for the first day!

Second club: we had 8 girls, they also listen pretty good, but a few kids put their hands up for the invitation and didn’t come after, so just pray for their hearts to be opened.  (And for the little boy who took one look at us and ran back to his mom saying “I don’t want to go anymore!!!”)

Club 3: I’m told this club will fluctuate… but today we had 4 kids.  Some of whom are a tad restless, and some of whom are unchurched and very interested in the stories… but left before they could recieve any prizes or the invitation.  So please pray for listening ears and for kids to come back tomorrow.


Also a bit of an extra prayer request, I’m guessing something amazing is going to happen, because some attacks are getting pretty intense.  But I know God’s right here with me.

God Bless!