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Posted By: Kendra Vanstone | | Leave a comment

Before delving into my epically awesome account of the last three weeks, I want to share with you the fact that as of today I have taught 17 weeks of 5-day clubs over the last three summers. As I was contemplating this, it struck me that this translates to over four months, or around 270+ hours of teaching kids about Jesus. I think that’s pretty cool! When I started teaching 5-day clubs as an inexperienced, over-confident 15 year old, I had no idea how God would use me over the next three summers with this ministry, or how he would use these 17 weeks of teaching to slowly draw me closer to himself. Looking back at these last few summers, all I can say is God is good, he is faithful, and it is only by his overwhelming grace and the strength He has given me, that I can reflect back on these months I have dedicated to Him, with thanksgiving and joy.
Week 4: I taught around Saskatoon that week in Laird, Waldheim, Duck Lake, and Rosthern. It was a very full and exciting week as every club had lots of kids, all of which were super excited to hear about Jesus. In my first morning club that week there were many younger children, but they listened so well all week and it was encouraging to see their interest in hearing the stories and in memorizing the theme verse. In the second morning club I had 21 kids the first day and no new kids throughout the week. All the kids were friends at this club and all but 5 were under the age of six. On Monday one of the few children that wasn’t from a Christian home asked Jesus into her heart and I was able to give her a book of John. There was another little girl that became a Christan through the mailbox lessons, and throughout the week they were so attentive to the stories and to learning more about God, even when their friends were goofing off at certain points. Club 3 of the week ended up only being a 2-day club with four kids in attendance. On the last day of this club though, one little girl that had been asking questions and listening really closely to the bible stories decided to start following Jesus. She does not come from a Christian background, but the her babysitter that was hosting the club looks after her a lot so I’m hoping she’ll be able to share more about Jesus with this little girl, especially since they were only able to host for the 2 days. The last club of the day in Rosthern was mostly churched kids and was an older club (8-12). On the Monday there was a brother and a sister that came, and the sister had made a decision when she was younger, but the brother simply never had. At the end of the club when I gave the invitation the boy put up his hand and later when I talked to him I found out that he knew lots about Jesus but had never made that decision to turn his life over to Him. I was able to pray with this boy, and it proved to be a good reminder to me that when we do have churched kids in a club it is still so important to give the invitation because we never know if there are kids that only know about God, but don’t truly know Him.
Week 5: Trekking back into Alberta for week five and six, I taught a VBS in Jasper that week at a small Pentescostal church. Honestly I think I had just about as much fun teaching the kids up there as I did getting to know some of the church family. It was really a great week as I was able to minister to many of the kids that had become Chrisitans in past years’ VBS’, and as I was able to speak love into a few kids’ lives that came from an atheistic background. On the Friday the church held a pizza lunch for the parents to attend, and many of the children recitied the memory verses they had learned throughout the week for a short program we put together. The kids were so proud to show their parents what they had learned, and I felt like a proud parent as I watched these sweet children sing their hearts out and do the actions so enthusiastically, as they sang their favorites songs for their parents.

Week 6: For this last week I was in Seba Beach (which is an hour west of Edmonton), teaching an afternoon VBS. This was the church’s first time hosting a VBS, and they were unsure as to how everything would turn out. Although they were expecting to have around 20 kids, we ended up having only 11 kids throughout the week. There were two little boys that came with their mom everyday and on Monday the one boy who was five decided to make a decision to follow Jesus. As I was talking with the pastor’s wife yesterday she was telling me that even though not as many kids came out as were expected, it was all worth it just for that one boy who came to Christ; I couldn’t agree more.

In conclusion this summer has been amazing to say the least. I have been so blessed by the kids I have been able to teach, the churches I was so graciously welcomed into, and the 6 families that hosted me throughout the summer and made my time away from home so enjoyable. Thank you to everyone who supported me, was praying for me, and to my family that so patiently listened as every Friday night I would worry about having to drive to a new location. I do apologize for only blogging twice this summer as I know there were people who were wanting to know how God had been working through my clubs on a more weekly basis, but admisdst over 6000kms of driving, trying to get things together for university while being away from home, and hanging out with my amazing host families, time has been scarce.

Lastly I want to thank God for providing abundantly this summer, as whenever I was in need of strength, wisdom, grace, comfort, or just needing to know the right thing to say, he was there drawing me to himself.

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Posted By: Olivia Mile | | Leave a comment

This week has been loooooooong, as evidenced by my title. Well actually, for me the week has been going by rather quickly. However, for the kids in my clubs, I can see the week is starting to wear on them. They’re getting tired and restless and it’s showing in their attention spans. Especially in Balcarres, the younger kids are starting to talk a lot throughout the club and roll around on the floor and basically just zone out while I’m trying to teach the stories. I know that a week of activity like this can get really tiring, so please pray for the kids, that God would help them to focus for one more day so they can really get the most out of the club.

The clubs did go pretty well again today. Three boys from my VBS in Balcarres ended up at both my Lebret club and my VBS today, so that was kind of funny. There was also two new kids in Balcarres. Like I said though, a lot of the kids are getting really distracted throughout the entire time. Some kids are coming late and that really throws everything off so please pray specifically for my Balcarres club that the kids would be able to pay attention tomorrow.

Thanks so much everybody!

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Posted By: Gwyneth Sichangwa | | Leave a comment

Hey so today went really well, and I’m not as tired today so thank you to everyone who prayed for me. It’s crazy to think that tomorrow is the last day of clubs so I absolutely want to end off strong. God has been doing some amazing work and this week I’ve been so excited to see how these kids are beginning to understand for the first time.

Club 1: So with this club we have 9 kids who have come and it’s exciting to just encourage them in their walk. Doing Pilgrim’s Progress from last year was the perfect story for them, because it talks about the journey of our faith. Honestly by going over the story again I’v been greatly encouraged too. It’s going to be hard leaving this club cause their these kids are the best, but I know that God will use them to do amazing things even at their young age. (:

Club 2: With this club we had 16 kids here today, and I felt like I was trying to yell over them at points. But when they were focused, they were attentive and engaged. There was a girl who put up her hand yesterday during the invitation and because of the short travel time I couldn’t talk to her yesterday or today. She had come to a club Shamus and I taught last week and she didn’t want to talk to us about it. So pray that tomorrow I can speak to her and that the Holy Spirit will do a work in this girl’s heart.

Club 3: At the beginning of this week these kids were hard to teach. But as the week has gone along it becomes more and more evident that this club is needed. All the kids are unchurched and I mean completely unchurched. But it’s cool because these kids are being to understand and they seem to like the songs a lot which is awesome. Due to the lack of attention spand we have been playing games with them to start out. So one boy came up to me and asked if we could listen to the CD while playing hide and go seek. Clearly these kids need some love shown to them and this club had shown me that. I found that my heart wasn’t entirely in it and I was kinda wishing for a more tame club. But right away I prayed that God would just change my heart to have a burden for these kids like He does, and honestly I’m now pretty sad to leave them tomorrow. But I know that the work we have done here has not been in vain, so continue to pray for these kids.

Club 4: We had no kids come again and we decided to just play on the play structure with the host’s daughter. His son had some friends who came to the park, so Grace and I decided to start the club. The moment we were about to their mom called them back home so that was pretty disappointing. We went ahead with club anyways when there were 2 girls that came to the park. The one girl was on the swings as Grace was telling A Little Rascal, and listened to every word she said. Please pray that tomorrow we will be able to talk to this girl and at least give her a package.

As I was preparing for Pilgrim’s Progress this morning, there was a part where Pilgrim asked Evangelist if there were more trials they were going to have to go through. Evangelist tells Pilgrim that will be the case but to “..Be faithful even to the point of death, and [the King] will give you life as your victor’s crown” Revelation 2:10. I want to always be faithful in the things God calls me to no matter how hard it may be. This summer has been one of my hardest ones, but I’m so thankful that as I look back that it was only through God any of that was able to happen. And I want tomorrow as my last day to be the exact same. As this summer comes to an end thanks once again to everyone who has prayed for me. I’m been so blessed to have that kind of support throughout the summer.

God Bless,


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Posted By: Crystal Durell | | Leave a comment

Today was a super awesome day!  Two decisions, and I gave both kids bibles!  One girl, her and her sister have been coming the whole week.  On Monday they said they weren’t sure if they were coming back, but they’ve made it back every day since!  But they never got to hear the end of Zacchaeus’s story… until today!  They finally got to hear it! (Praise the Lord) And the oldest one asked Jesus into her heart.  She’s from an unchurched family and I gave her a bible.  It was so wonderful to see her make that decision.  I think she’s wanted to do it all week, and we finally got to do it today!

Another boy in my second club also asked Jesus into his heart. (Woot woot!)

Its sort of sad to think that tomorrow is the last day of clubs… but I’m glad God has let me see him in action.  This was such a good summer.  Tough, but very rewarding.  The best part about being a summer missionary, is being able to see God’s hand at work, and I can’t wait to see and to hear about what God will do on the last day, and I’m very greatful.  I can’t do anything without God, with out Him, this would be impossible, but all things are possible through Christ!  I can say honestly that it was none of my work, I just obeyed, and God gave me the best steats in the house!

God Bless!


Kids Quotes:

Me: does anyone know what Romans is?Girl: romance? Is like when you’re in a relationship?

Boy: (insert name here) and I promised eachother that we will never EVER get married!… (hostess and I were kinda laughing at this one)

Me: Maybe one day you won’t mind so much. :3

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Posted By: Olivia Mile | | 1 Comment

I don’t know why, but I’ve always just really liked reaching the halfway point of things. I guess it just helps me to see measurable progress through a task. Like the end of week 2, I was happy because with the two weeks of training before teaching, that got us halfway through the entire summer. And then with the end of week 3, that got us halfway through the 6 weeks of actual teaching. And Wednesdays were always good days because that’s the halfway point at each week. This halfway point is sort of sad though. It really is the most bittersweet feeling as we wrap up this summer. I’m going to miss teaching so much.

My clubs today were basically the exact same as yesterday. The same kids came and they listened almost as well as yesterday. The Little Rascal story got a bit long for their attention spans in both clubs today so please pray that tomorrow they’d be able to focus the entire time. Actually, I’ve noticed by the end of the club, a lot of the kids are getting really restless, even if they’re still sitting quietly. So yeah I guess prayer for tomorrow would just be that they would be able to listen to the whole thing and I could make it exciting so they won’t be bored.

Thanks again for all the prayer as the summer gets closer to ending!

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Posted By: Gwyneth Sichangwa | | Leave a comment

Hey I won’t lie but this week has been stretching me just cause I have no energy and it’s been hard to go into every club with enthusiasm. So please pray that I can keep going and do my absolute best at each of these clubs, cause I can just see how much these kids need love shown to them.

Club 1: So at this club we actually ended up being late this morning and that was entirely because of traffic. We left at our usual time and took our normal route but traffic was badly backed up. After being on the road for 1 hour, we finally made it with only 30 minutes left of club. I won’t lie I was pretty frustrated heading in but the kids were absolutely great. Because the kids here have all been to a 5-Day Club on their street this summer we decided to do our extra story from last year, Pilgrim’s Progress. As I was getting to the part about Pilgrim meeting Apollyon one kids spoke up and shook his head saying:

“That’s the Devil’s work.”

Honestly, that was the best response I have ever heard to any story. And it’s awesome because the kids are all engaged and listen super well. So pray that we will be able to encourage these kids in their faith.

Club 2: The kids here are awesome and I feel blessed getting to teach them. They calm down during the stories and listen so well. Yesterday I had one unchurched girl and she said:

“I really liked the story of Zucchini.”

I tried not to laugh but at least she enjoyed the stories. I do have 2 boys at this club who don’t really listen and I taught them both last week. Please pray that they won’t be a distraction as Grace and I teach them.

ChangChang Adventures: So our travel time between these clubs are way too close, and it’s almost impossible to make it on time. So on our first day we actually took the wrong way on the freeway and had to reroute later on. I was so stressed out and we ended up being late as a result. ): But today we made it there before the club actually started which was a major win for the ChangChang’s.

This club has been an adventure of it’s own because the kids have been off the wall. We had one boy who brought a pocket knife to club the first day and was whittling a stick. These kids hit one another and there have been points where I wasn’t sure if we would have to call a doctor. But today the distracting kids weren’t here and we only had 4 kids. All these kids are unchurched and on the first day they all had no clue what a Bible was. We have just gone over a song, contest and Bible verses just because they honestly don’t understand. But today went a lot better and during it they asked some good questions like how Jesus got up to heaven, and how we could talk to him if he’s in heaven. It was awesome to see them being engaged so continue to pray for these kids.

Club 4: This club has been in the park and for the last 2 days we haven’t had any kids. The 2 that came said their grandmother was coming to visit so they weren’t sure if they could come back. So we just hung out with our host’s kids and to be honest aren’t too sure on what we should do. Please pray that more kids will come and for God to guide us in how we should handle this situation.

I’m so glad to see God working in the lives on these kids and how this summer has gone. I can’t believe it’s almost over but I’m praying that every single worker will finish off strong.

God Bless,


Posted By: Rose Williams | | Leave a comment

I can’t believe I only have two days of teaching left, but I’m pleased to say this week has been going really well, and I have some really great kids who are excited to learn!

Club 1: More and more kids keep coming, which is really cool! Attendance is from 6 on the first day to 15 today! However, some of the kids who came as friends haven’t been coming back. There have not been any decisions and most of the lessons I get back tell me that kids have already asked Jesus into their heart. But they are listening well, and I’m praying that they will grow in their faith through club!

Club 2: One girl at this club made a decision for Jesus while doing her lesson! Praise God! The hostess of this club has a 3-year-old who is absolutely adorable and does really well with listening and sitting still. I don’t think there is anything cuter than her being so excited to tell me her memory verse! And if you were wondering, the girl who walked by and came on the first day hasn’t come back. Pray that she would! There are seven kids who regularly come to this club.

God’s fingerprints on my words: There is a boy at this club who came on the second day and today. He doesn’t go to church, but he listens very intently, especially when I’m talking about Jesus. Before all my clubs, I pray for God to speak through me and give me words. Well, today when I was teaching the Noah’s Ark story, I intended to use Acts 16:31, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved” during the invitation part. As I was going along, I accidentally used it earlier in the story. I kept going, and about the time the rain was starting to cover the highest mountains, this boy had to leave. So he wasn’t there for the invitation part.

As I thought about it afterwards, I realized this boy got to hear that the Bible says you have to believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved, even though he left early. And he also said he’d try to do his lesson and bring it back tomorrow, and since he is 7, his lesson outlines the plan for salvation and gives kids a chance to accept Christ. Pray for him! I’m going to ask him tomorrow if he has a Bible and I’ll give him one if he doesn’t. I prayed for God to speak through me, and God knew that boy was going to leave early. God’s fingerprints were all over what I thought was a mistake! Praise the Lord!

Club 3: I think there are 12 kids or so coming to this club, some younger ones, but they do well with listening. At the end of this club, my CD played refused to pray “Do You Believe?” I don’t know if that song has a scratch or something, but it kept cutting out 3 or 4 seconds in. So I lead the kids in a round of “Read Your Bible and Pray Everyday” acapella, which they liked.

The joy of the Lord is my strength! I know I’ve talked a lot about the joy of the Lord spurring me on this summer, and I’m happy to report this week I have been feeling so joyful in doing God’s work! A quote from Amy Carmichael has been my prayer this week:

Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest; to give and not count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing that we do Thy will, O Lord our God.

Pray that us workers would be zealous as we serve the King in these last few days, to give it all up for the sake of children coming to know Him.

Thank you for your prayers!


P.S I haven’t heard anything about the DJ Honda after the breakdown coming here on Sunday (See last blog post!), I’m still using the Ryan’s vehicle. Please continue praying that it would be any easy fix so this car can continue to be used to do the Lord’s work!

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Posted By: Olivia Mile | | Leave a comment

Hey everyone, I hope the rest of you teachers had a great day teaching. My clubs were good, with 11 in Lebret (1 new friend) and 20 in Balcarres (4 new friends). Again the clubs went well with kids who listened and participated. There’s not much different from yesterday.

It’s kind of sad to think I won’t be teaching the bible story again this summer. I love today’s bible story, of how King David showed kindness to Mephibosheth by basically adopting him into his family, although the majority of kings would never have done that. Our memory verse shows that God has done the same for us, by showing us kindness and love and actually giving us the opportunity to become his children. I often marvel at the fact that God would love me. I look at myself and sometimes I think “what person could possibly stand me, never mind the king of the universe?” I know my thoughts and what a terrible attitude I have, and how I am often distracted and, honestly in many ways, how I’m spiritually unprepared for the job I have teaching these precious children.

Yet God knows my heart even more than I do. He created it and he knows it better than anyone else. But when he looks at me, somehow he does so with love. Love, and kindness, and forgiveness. The thought brings tears to my eyes…he loves me and wants me to love him back. That he loves me so incredibly much that he would send his own son to die, for me, a sinner. Someone who was living in blatant rebellion to him. God loves me enough, that not only did he send his son to die for me, but he also invites me into his family. Adopts me as his own daughter, beloved and cherished. He looks at me and says, “Olivia Theresa Mile, my precious daughter, I love you and I want you to be with me.”

It’s shocking how he chooses to love me. I am far from deserving of such love. But I am grateful. So, so grateful. I have failed him over and over, but every time, he invites me back with open arms. In fact, there is not one single thing that can separate me from God’s love or take it away from me. The least I can do is try, with my skewed view of love, to love him back and to do my best to spread his love to others.

That’s why I love teaching this story so much. This is honestly probably my favourite story to teach out of the five we have, because even coming from a solid, Christian home where I have two loving earthly parents already, the idea that God would literally adopt me as his own daughter has always amazed me, and I see my amazement mirrored on the faces of the kids I teach, every week. God’s love is so amazing, and getting to tell kids about it is probably my favourite thing to do.

Every year I hit this point in the summer. I usually end week 5 tired, kinda grouchy, and ready for a week off (it sounds terrible, but it’s true). But then once I actually start teaching week 6, I realize, “this is the last time I get to do this for an entire year…” and it’s heartbreaking. I’m so glad that I still have 3 more days with these kids.

A lot of the kids in my clubs this week are churched, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve made a decision yet. Just today I saw on one lesson that a little girl who’s mom is helping at the VBS decided to follow Christ last night while she was doing her lesson. Please pray for these kids. They are all so sweet and they all desperately need Jesus. So pray that he would soften their hearts to him, and if they already have, then I would be able to encourage them farther in their walks with him. Thank you so much.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?…No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:35, 37-39)

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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

Well all three of my clubs had kids today! Praise the Lord!!!

My first club is at my billets house and we jumped from 6 kids to 9 today. Its pretty great. The kids are quite young but are doing well at the memory verses. It probably helps that they are my billets grand kids and that they live so close. They hangout here a lot and so we can practice the memory verse in our free time!

My second club that contained 0 kids, and 3 adults for a bit yesterday, had 4 boys and 0 adults today. The boys are all within the ages of 10-14 so we skipped the songs today. They were real good though. I was a little nervous when I pulled up and noticed I would have an older club. I thought it was going to be hard to relate to them but they were great. It was a little awkward but I do hope they come again tomorrow!

So my lunches are spent with the Pastor in Woodrow and his wife. Yesterday we ate a meatloaf with moose meat. I had never had it before and it was surprisingly quite good! Well today to keep the ball rolling of exotic food we had duck eggs! Also something I had not eaten before and I really enjoyed them! SO many new experiences this summer!

My third club had 13 kids in it today! It was great. I had a roaring headache all through the day so my 3rd club hostess was able to spare so Tylenol. I was grateful as our club was inside and the kids were quite loud. I would love to be able to have club outside this week but the mosquitoes are dreadful. You have to run from your car to the house, and if you have club supplies you just try to walk as fast as possible. But mosquitoes and headache aside we were able to get through the club rather well.

I have greatly enjoyed this summer and cannot wait to see what this next year brings, but I am pretty sad to have the summer done already. I love being able to travel around and meet people. I have met so many interesting people throughout the summer whether it was at clubs during the week, or just around town. I love the people God places in my path daily. I am so thankful for this summer. It has been challenging with my being tired so often but I am glad I was able to sneak in naps and extra sleep where needed as well. And I have had understanding billets all summer which was fantastic! So thankful for each person that allowed me to stay in their home this summer. Everyone has been such a blessing.

Well that’s all for now. Tomorrow is another day!

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Posted By: Crystal Durell | | Leave a comment

So first of all, I’m teaching with God this week, he’s my only partner… and I’ve come to learn a few things about myself.  That I can do actions good, and I can turn the pages of visuals good…  BUT WHEN EXPECTED TO DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME BOTH SUFFER TERRIBLY!!!!

So please, pray for some extra help in that area.

Second- CLUBS!

Club 1: it’s a really fun club, we have some hindu kids coming, and today a group of aunt’s and a grandfather came today.  The grandfather didn’t look very impressed, and they wanted to check out the club.  I’m a bit nervous as they are going to be sitting in on the club tomorrow, but the kids seem to be really into learning about Jesus.  Even if they aren’t happy just pray that the kids will keep coming and that God will take care of them.  Also, some unchurched kids have been coming and they are having some problems listening to the stories, and they don’t want to do the songs.  (In the middle of ‘let’s get started’ I said, “if you dont stand up you don’t get prizes.”  To which they immediately stood up)  Not just them, everyone seems to have some problems listening especially at the end.  Pray for listening ears!

Club 2: up a few more kids!  Most of them younger kids.  But they really like the songs *so refreshing from my first club*  also they seem really interested in the stories, just pray for these guys to open their hearts up to God.

Club 3: we had more kids!  A few a really rambunctious… some who genuinely want to listen.  Some churched, some unchurched, its a pretty healthy mix.  We had a girl who went to a club last week, but she loves clubs so much, she came back this week! (For stories I swore her to secrecy, so anytime that I have to pause she smiles and says “I know what happens! But I can’t tell anyone.” So cute XD )  Not only, but the unchurched girls came back!  Praise! They really want to know how Zacchaeus’s story endsbut every time I get to it, their mom comes and picks them up to go!  Please pray that there will be time to tell this story!  (And for listening ears)

That’s it for clubs, but also some stuff that’s going on that can best be described as ‘some serious personal biz’.  I’m trying my best to keep it from interfering with my job, but it’s difficult because my job is not just the 3 hours a day, in my clubs, it’s  all the time after when I spend it with brothers and sisters in christ, and when I am playing with the kids before or after a club.  I dont want anything to get in the way of what God wants me to do.

For those who pray, thank you for your prayers.

Over and out! God bless.