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Good morning Internet! It’s currently 1:33am and I cannot sleep so I thought I would post one last blog in conclusion of this amazing summer! 

If God has taught me anything, it’s appreciate the small moments. Those little pockets of happiness that make you smile, or wish you could stay there forever. I have had many of those this summer. Even multiple pocket moments per day, and as much as I’d love to sit there in that one moment forever, I know another one is just around the corner!

My Meyronne club today was great! Now all the kidlets are young gaffers under the age of eight… So as you can probably imagine sitting still is not quite a mastered skill yet. But we worked with it and got through the club! The kids were so good with their verses! They were able to practice with parents, with grandma, and with me throughout each day! I was so proud of them!

My Woodrow club was quite enlightening this week. Having older boys who don’t want to sing songs poses a slight problem when time needs filling. Thankfully they are chatty and have lots of interesting stories to share! Today I learned all about how many different sounds turkeys make! Those guys certainly brightened my day with their wit and good attitudes! I believe we learned a lot from each other! As they schooled me on farm knowledge I was able to share insight into the Bible! 

The La Fleche club was rather small today compared to its normal crowd.  But what we lacked in numbers we made up for in curiosity! Haha it amazed me all the questions I was asked this week. The kids were just fountains of queries and it was adorable! 

I am so thankful for everyone that I met this summer and relationships I was able to develop further from past years. Today I was sitting with one of the kids after club and he was enthused to show me his rock collection. He chatted about it for a few minutes before and his face lit up when we arrived at it! He explained where he found all the rocks, and why some were the shapes they were. He pointed out the his most favourite rocks and explained why they were the best! It was truly fantastic the amount of happiness he was sharing with me. And to make it even better he gave me one of his beloved rocks! I couldn’t believe that he would part with something that was obviously so dear to him! I wish I was able to treat the Gospel the way this boy treated his rocks. With the same amount of enthusiasm and joy, with the willingness to share. What a lesson to learn from a five year old! He doesn’t even know that he taught me such a valuable lesson today! This job is quite a blessing! It’s teaches me new lessons each year I return. 

To the people who read my blog (my parents, and my wonderful CeeGee) and maybe the odd random person who stumbles across this page… I thank you for taking the time to read my stories and I hope that you were able to come on some adventures with me, or learn some lessons as I did!

God is truly an amazing being! There is so much to learn from Him and I am thankful for the lessons and opportunities I was given this summer. 

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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

Well all three of my clubs had kids today! Praise the Lord!!!

My first club is at my billets house and we jumped from 6 kids to 9 today. Its pretty great. The kids are quite young but are doing well at the memory verses. It probably helps that they are my billets grand kids and that they live so close. They hangout here a lot and so we can practice the memory verse in our free time!

My second club that contained 0 kids, and 3 adults for a bit yesterday, had 4 boys and 0 adults today. The boys are all within the ages of 10-14 so we skipped the songs today. They were real good though. I was a little nervous when I pulled up and noticed I would have an older club. I thought it was going to be hard to relate to them but they were great. It was a little awkward but I do hope they come again tomorrow!

So my lunches are spent with the Pastor in Woodrow and his wife. Yesterday we ate a meatloaf with moose meat. I had never had it before and it was surprisingly quite good! Well today to keep the ball rolling of exotic food we had duck eggs! Also something I had not eaten before and I really enjoyed them! SO many new experiences this summer!

My third club had 13 kids in it today! It was great. I had a roaring headache all through the day so my 3rd club hostess was able to spare so Tylenol. I was grateful as our club was inside and the kids were quite loud. I would love to be able to have club outside this week but the mosquitoes are dreadful. You have to run from your car to the house, and if you have club supplies you just try to walk as fast as possible. But mosquitoes and headache aside we were able to get through the club rather well.

I have greatly enjoyed this summer and cannot wait to see what this next year brings, but I am pretty sad to have the summer done already. I love being able to travel around and meet people. I have met so many interesting people throughout the summer whether it was at clubs during the week, or just around town. I love the people God places in my path daily. I am so thankful for this summer. It has been challenging with my being tired so often but I am glad I was able to sneak in naps and extra sleep where needed as well. And I have had understanding billets all summer which was fantastic! So thankful for each person that allowed me to stay in their home this summer. Everyone has been such a blessing.

Well that’s all for now. Tomorrow is another day!

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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

Hello, so i figure I should sum up the end of last week and then dive into the first day of this week.

So by then end of last week I had 49 kids on my attendance sheet in Mossbank, and 7 on my Assiniboia one! It was such a great week! I was able to stay with a billet I have stayed with previously and was able to meet some of her family. I was able to teach a small club in Assiniboia that I grew to love dearly! We had a fun time battling mosquitoes, and then battling the distractions that inside seemed to pose. My Mossbank club had 23 kids on Friday who were eager to each shove a plate of whipped cream into my face! This was my fourth year teaching at Mossbank and I have loved every minute of it!

This week I am in Meyronne, Woodrow, and Lafleche. I stayed with this billet a few weeks ago so its nice to be back in familiar territory. As soon as I arrived last night we were off and running. Haha it feels so normal to just jump into whatever my billet is doing when I am here! So many adventures! Well this morning at my billets place we had 6 kids. It was great! We had a fun time singing. I even ventured to sing Garbage in, Garbage out. Most of this kids are younger and not amazing at reading yet, and they already know GIGO so I thought it would be fun to wing it!

My club in Woodrow did not have any kids. The Pastor worked so hard polling people to see when they would be around and trying to arrange the perfect week. I really want there to be kids this week! I was praying and reading my bible whilst waiting for kids when the Pastor came to visit. We chatted for a while and then his sister dropped in with a friend, so we toured the church, and they made me teach them a song! Then we all went to his place and had dinner. I had a lot of fun.

The Lafleche club had 13 kids today! We were all inside because the mosquitoes are awful! But the kids were great! Even though there are some older boys they still sing the songs… probably because their moms sit in on the club and make them! I am excited to see where this week goes. But also sad because its the last week…

Prayer requests:

~That the Woodrow club would have kids.

!And that the Mosquitoes go away.