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Posted By: Crystal Durell | | Leave a comment

Hey!  This is my first blog post this summer!  Also my first year teaching. WOW!!!  I’m super excited to be teaching this year (as well as cautiously optimistic). So much stuff has happened over the first two weeks of the summer, but we’re out of the gate and ready to go into the world/province/mission field.

So fun story of my first week (ever.)

First day, three newbies face a block of 20 kids.  In my head, I’m thinking ‘uh oh’.  We were in an area with a lot of apartments.  The town house we were situated in was owned by a ministry teaching English to immigrants.  They went ahead and did most of the advertising, and it was crazy how many kids showed up the first day.  Interestingly enough most of the kids were from Muslim families.  Some of them came up for decision time, but I’m not so sure they understood exactly what they were doing, so we didn’t really mark them down.  Some of the kids didn’t even speak English that well, so they might have been distracted too.  We were very excited for day 2, but only three kids came (and they were from a church).  We tried to understand what was going on, a child told us that someone (either an adult or older boy who everyone looked up to) told all the kids not to come. This was a bit discouraging, but not unexpected.  That night, I prayed for a miracle (not really sure what was going to happen, but it felt like something I should pray for).  The third day, we had 11 kids.  We were really happy to have some of the kids back, but some didn’t stay for the whole time.  As the club ended, and some snacks were being handed out, our hostess informed us that Ramadan is going on. (the Muslim time of fasting and prayer)  We realised that the kids were going home because they had to pray, but they were having so much fun and wanted to come, some of them convinced their parents (or something like that) to let them come.  I guess God did answer my prayer! (BTW face painting is really fun!)

Day 4 was pretty uneventful, but we were finally getting used to things.  No decisions.  Day 5, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I was on bible story (which is the story of Saul) and I wasn’t really prepared to the best of my ability (God answers prayer BTW!!!).  There were the two church kids that were there all week, and two Muslim boys.  Since I was on Bible story, it was my job to deliver the invitation and I was determined to preach my face off.  Apparently the story was good (because God answers prayers.  Praise the Lord) and I poured everything I had into that story, and when I gave the invitation I tried my best.  One of the boys put his hand up, slowly and unsure, but as I continued he wasn’t wrinkling his nose and he seemed more sure.  He didn’t come talk to me afterwards, (I should have said ‘if you want to know how come see me…’ but I didn’t).  Andra said I should pull him aside and talk to him, but the boy’s Mom left, and took the two boys with her.

Prayer request- I need more practice.

Other than that, I think the club went pretty good.  I’m super excited for the summer and I can’t wait to see what God has in store!

Shout out to my two awesome partners Jenny and Andra!

God bless!  Peace out. :3


Kids Quotes: the part of the blog post where Crystal posts funny things that kids have said during club.

1. Kid 1: After learning that when we ask Jesus into our hearts, we are like family with other believers.  High fives his friend beside him and with the biggest smile says-


2. Kid 2: When asked what would he do with $30 000

“I would buy everyone a minecraft account so we could all play together”

Kids are so funny XD

Have a nice day!

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