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Posted By: Joy Juson | | Leave a comment

Hey everyone!

First things first, I thank you God for providing the kids to come to the clubs today!

I just want to quickly share with you what happened during the last week of training. My practice club was very challenging since we had 0 kids show up on Monday and Tuesday. I felt so confident on that Monday that there would be kids because Grace, Grace and I had advertised on Sunday and many of the neighbourhood kids seemed very promising. And having trusted on my own efforts in advertising the club, I was hopeful for kids to show up. But that afternoon, I was in for great disappointment; a CYIA worker’s nightmare, no kids. So the girls and I had to advertise again, and it was a painful way to start off the week. All the neighbourhood kids were either too young or of different faith. After another day of advertising, we went home, and I felt defeated. That evening I thought about what we did wrong and what we could’ve done better with advertising. I felt so discouraged and just depressed about not having any kids in our club. I had learned my bible story, practiced it and even made some flashcards to review. And then not being able to tell the story to any kids was just so discouraging for me.

The next morning, our billet asked me what was wrong the night before because she noticed I seemed kind of down. Then I remembered that there were no kids in our club and I realized that I had the wrong mindset about our club. All I wanted to focus on was the amount of children that would show up.

On the ride to the club, Grace S. had suggested that we pray before we arrive for our club. And so I began pouring out what I had bottled up inside from the day before. With tears and a heart of complete surrender, I prayed something along the lines of “God, I want 3 kids. We did our best to advertise, we’ve done all we can. I just want to see kids. You promised in Your Word that if I believe, I will receive whatever I ask for in prayer. Well, God I believe You are able give us 3 kids. Please give us kids.” (fun fact: Later that week, I learned that the number 3 is actually the number of perfection. Cool huh?)

Tuesday’s club still had no kids, but that afternoon, I felt a sense of peace. I knew that I wasn’t in control, but God was. The whole time we were advertising on Sunday and Monday, I had been relying on my cleverly worded words and my own efforts to bring kids to club. Well, God had His way of getting my attention back on Him and for me to rely on Him than on myself.

That Wednesday I had to switch clubs to make sure I could get some story-telling practice with real kids. After that club, as I arrived at my billet’s house, Grace K. told me that they had kids come to their club that day. And guess what? They had exactly 3 kids! I looked at her and I was jumping up and down and screaming, “I prayed for 3 kids! Remember? I totally prayed for 3 kids! God gave us 3 kids!” I was so excited that God answered my prayer and not only that, but He affirmed that He hears me when I pray, and that He was totally in control the whole time.

I am so thankful that He provided me with renewed trust and faith in Him through this experience. I am so excited to see what else He will do this summer.

Thank you, Lord!

Love God; Love people,
Joy Juson

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Hello friends! My name is Joy Juson and I am 15 years old. I grew up in a Christian home and I received Jesus as my Saviour when I was a young girl. I'm very excited to be teaching little ones about God's Word and about Jesus. I hope to see myself grow as God stretches my faith. I want this summer to be about seriously living out my faith and listening to God's directions.

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