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Posted By: Gwyneth Sichangwa | | Leave a comment

Today was a good day of teaching clubs. But sadly our first club got cancelled because we had no kids today. We advertised all over and we even went over to a park to see if we could have club there. However no kids showed, which is pretty sad. But it helped me to remember even more that God is good and faithful no matter what happens in life. (:

Club 2: During this club we had 6 kids once again, and they all have given us their lessons so that was cool. So Grace was telling the kids the Bible story and explaining how long the boat was. As the kids were amazed at a boat being the size of a football field and a half, one boy spoke up: “But God is bigger than that!” It honestly made my day hearing him saying that and just understanding how great God is. Afterwards we did the song ‘Do you Believe’ which is a very slow song. As Grace was explaining the meaning the boy fell on his knees in front of us and said “Yes! Yes I do believe!” Haha, that’s what every teacher wants to hear during their club. (;

Club 3: During this club we had 7 kids and it was so much fun. They are more quiet kids but they still aren’t afraid to get into the stories and songs. So after the club we got a lesson from a girl and made a decision through the mailbox lesson! We are pretty excited about that, and clearly God is doing His work. With this club though we are having a hard time trying to figure out how to do proper follow up with these kids. We are always having to rush out to our next club which is a struggle and we want to do our best following up. So prayer the Grace and I will be able to figure a way to make sure that happens.

Club 4: So for this club today I had to teach it by myself today because Grace Konard had an appointment. There were about 10 kids today and it felt a little chaotic at points. But it was still a good club. I didn’t have my attendance sheet because we have been using Grace’s stuff all week. So prizes afterwards was a challenge, but I managed.

For prayer requests, my voice is continually getting better, so thanks to everyone who has been praying for me. Also pray that the LORD will continue to guide my teaching and that I will have God’s heart for these kids.

God Bless,


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