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Posted By: Sonnie Fellwock | | Leave a comment

Well this week has been fantastic! I love Swift Current, and I love seeing kids that I taught last year, as well as meeting new kids! I have been struggling with fatigue that past few months and it has been getting better, but I have still been napping almost daily. I really hope I can survive the 5 club days next week.

Yesterday after teaching Noah all the kids were asking questions about rainbows.  One of the older kids asked how to get to the end of the rainbow and I told him that it was impossible. I said no matter where you are you can see the ends of the rainbow, but because rainbows are perception based you can’t actually walk to the end of the rainbow. Well then he asked what I meant so i delved into the explanation of how the sun shines through water droplets and separates into all the colors based on what degree the sun enters the droplet at. And so wherever you moved the sun would shine into different droplets and the rainbow would move if you moved. Oh those kids were confused, but I loved how knowledge hungry they were! They are so eager to learn anything we teach. It is so encouraging.  Today at the morning club one of the girls that came yesterday wanted to catch up in lessons with her siblings who had came on Tuesday so I gave her the first two lessons. Today after club I handed her the packet of five lessons and she wandered off. But all of the sudden she appeared in front of me again with the biggest smile on her face. I was just about to ask if she needed anything before I left, when she blurted out that she had accepted Jesus into her heart, at home last night doing the lesson.  I gave her a huge smile and a high five. Then I quickly prayed with her. I ran out to my car and grabbed a bible and scribbled a message for her.  She seems so sincere. I am really happy for her.  Her brother came up to me and asked me to help him accept Jesus in his heart. I shook my head at him, and told him that he did it last year. He said, “I know…” and I told him that we only need to do that once. I explained that once you have Jesus in your heart he doesn’t leave. He seemed pretty happy with that explanation.

My afternoon club had a decision yesterday. She was a pretty little gaffer so I was not sure how sincere she was. Today the little one was excited to proclaim that Jesus was in her heart and that Jesus loved her. She is a handful but such a joy. I really hope that she is able to fully understand what she did one day.  Her and her sister do not have the greatest home life and the few weeks they spend with their aunt a year is about all the exposure to the Bible or church that they get. My heart really breaks for them. But I am confident that God is working in their lives.  My afternoon club was a little rowdy this afternoon, but we survived.

I hope everyone has survived week one of teaching and that you aren’t too tired.

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Hello my name is Sonnie Fellwock. I am 22 years old and live in Moose Jaw Sask. I am a student at Saskatchewan polytechnic in Sasaktoon taking the Combined Laboratory and X-Ray technology course. This is my fourth year teaching 5 day clubs. I am looking forward to the summer ahead. 3 prayer requests for the summer: -that I would have enough energy to teach the kids this summer -that God would keep the workers safe this year -that God has opened the doors he wants and we are able to reach as many kids as possible.

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