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Posted By: Felicia Oostra | | Leave a comment

While my fellow co-workers were finishing up their clubs today, I was frantically getting ready for my first official go at it this summer. The reason? Surgery. Last week I underwent an operation, and thankfully, the recovery was quick. It was wonderful to have about a week off. I was able to connect with friends, rest at home, and prepare for clubs. But as the days wore on, I felt my inspiration lagging. I lost the contagious drive that comes with training week. I felt anxious and overwhelmed but at the same time, I lacked motivation to prepare my lessons. Each day, I tried to be productive, but it was so hard to stay focused and practice my stories. On Thursday I was able to do a lot of prep work, and I was so thankful for my older sister being around a bit. Friday arrived. I sorted through my materials, practiced songs, went over my stories, and prayed for the club. I was also able to work on some University and job stuff which was sweet but stressful!

Time to go to club! I ventured down the streets of Three Hills, arriving a little earlier than needed. I was scheduled to teach at a Chinese church retreat in my hometown, and so I met the coordinator and waited for a tour and briefing. We volunteers meandered through the campus and got some info on the schedule. I started setting up for the club a few minutes later, but then panic set in. As I went to plug in my stereo (the one I had had problems with last summer and kept at my house all year…procrastination much), it stopped working. Instead of playing the songs, the screen simply read “no.”

Urgh! The opening session would be starting in a few minutes, and I had been informed that I might be called up. But…I had no intention of singing acapella style. When I learned there was no stereo to be had, I raced home. I MUST GET THE STEREO! But, too bad stereos aren’t very popular. I could not find one in the house. Further panic set in. I decided to call my friend’s house to see if they had one that could be borrowed. Indeed they did. I scurried my little red Vibe to their house, got the device and raced back. I got it set up and snuck into the already begun opening session. Now, if you’ve ever been to a church service in another language, you’ll know what I felt. It was a mix of happy thrill and uneasy confusion. Thankfully there were translators on stage and some English worship songs.

Well, finally, it was club time. Before we started a little boy came up to me and asked me how old I was. I told him to guess, and he was bang on. 17. Then the next question. Do you have a boyfriend? No. He then proceeded to say something about him and getting a girlfriend or being worried about it or something, but of course, I quieted him down and just pretended not to hear everything.

The session began, and despite a few interruptions by some vocal boys, including my “new friend” (haha), it went smoothly. I might not ask too many more open ended questions however.

At the end of club, when I gave the invitation for anyone to accept Jesus into their hearts and to come and talk to me afterwards, a few people raised their hands, including one little girl. I talked to her afterwards, and in our conversation, I learned that she had already made this decision before. I explained to her that because she was in her heart, he was never going to leave her. I hope she understood, so we didn’t end up praying.

Over all, I think it was a good night!!! I am so happy to have met the kids and workers, and I feel so much better now that the first session is over and done with. Please pray that I would know how to handle the invitation time better. I sometimes struggle knowing how to pull the kids aside and keep them free from distraction. I know that ultimately God must draw the kids, and I have only to be faithful and sensitive to his voice. Thanks so much for your prayers!

P.S. Pray that my stereo works tomorrow. I may or may not have dropped it when I got home. :S

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Hey! My name is Felicia, and this is my second year teaching 5-day clubs. I am excited and a little nervous for this summer, but I trust it's going to be great. In the fall, I'm planning to attend Ambrose University College in Calgary, Alberta. Prayer Requests: - That I'd be sensitive to God's Spirit and how he would lead me this summer - That I would stay healthy and energized - That I'd be able to navigate well as I expect to be driving to most of the clubs - That God would open up doors and soften hearts before, during, and after clubs

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