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Posted By: Kendra Vanstone | | Leave a comment

How great is our God!!!! Looking back on these last few weeks I just marvel at how God never ceases to work through our inadequacies, and how he always works things out for good. The first two weeks I was teaching by myself in Alberta, having never driven there before, and was slightly nervous (to say the least) about how everything would pan out.

Week 1: I was in Drayton Valley teaching a VBS, and had 60 kids the first day! I lead the opening and closing ceremony, and in between taught the Bible story four times as each group circulated through the various stations; it made for a very full morning (it was a 3 hour VBS). Thankfully there were many fabulous volunteers who helped make the week run very smoothly. About 75% of the children at the VBS did come from a church background, and by Friday still no kids had made a decision. Friday rolled around though and there were four girls who ended up deciding to follow Jesus.  Three didn’t have Bibles so I was able to give them one. It was also really interesting because a boy made a decision through the lessons earlier that week, and it was his little sister that was one of the girls that made a decision on Friday. This brother and sister don’t come from a Christian home, but were visiting their grandma that week and she brought them; it’s so neat that now they will be able to go home and be an encouragement to each other as they both have completely “turned around”.

Week 2: This was a fun week  as I was in Hinton: the gateway to the Rockies. Besides the blessing of being able to teach some really fabulous kids that week, I was so encouraged being surrounded by the mountains, and just everyday being in awe of how marvelous God’s creation is. I taught 3 clubs that week. The first one in the morning was in a backyard, and the next two were in churches. The backyard club had mostly Christian kids, but there was one little girl who made a decision through the mailbox lessons that week. The highlight of this club was Friday for sure. There had been a family of four kids coming all week, and on Friday that mom invited a girl that they knew that was visiting from Romania. This girl came from an orthodox background, and I don’t think had ever heard the salvation message. On Fridays I always present the wordless book, and really try and connect all the Bible stories, and bring home our need for Jesus and doing a 180. Well, this little girl put up her hand saying and wanting to do that, so after the club I went and talked to her and she asked Jesus into her heart! I was able to give her a Bible, but I’m not sure how her parents responded to this, I’m praying that they let her keep it though! So the next club was at an Alliance church, and again on Friday the same thing happened: one new girl showed up and also made a decision! This club was really good, as all the kids were really excited to sing the songs and hear about Tony and the Bible stories. Many of the parents stayed for this club too, and also joined in when we sang, haha. The final club was composed of an older group of kids, mostly 10-12, and most of which had already made a decision. It was really amazing for me to see throughout the week these kids’ joy in memorizing God’s word, and just their desire to know more about Him. And finally, I cannot say it enough, the mountains were amazing!

Week 3: Last week I taught with Jean in North Battleford, and it was my challenging week. We taught 2 clubs throughout the week, and also at a tent meeting Friday night. I felt really tired and drained even on the Monday as the week was just beginning (probably partly due to all the driving I did over the weekend), and was finding it hard to be really energetic with the kids. This week definitely required much prayer as many of the kids did not come from Christian homes, or have much background knowledge of the Bible. Two kids at the one club asked Jesus to come into their hearts, but then the girl didn’t come back all week, and the boy seemed disinterested the rest of the week. By Friday I didn’t want to leave this club, as I knew there was still so much these kids needed to know! It can definitely be hard leaving, and wondering who else these kids will have speak life to them, but then we need to trust God that He will use the seeds that we’ve planted. The second club was interesting because half of the kids basically knew everything in the Bible, and the other half had probably never seen a Bible in their life. Finding a balance in teaching this club was difficult, but God was working in all the kids’ hearts, as we saw throughout the week from different things that the kids were learning, and were receptive to in God’s Word. Now the tent ministry. Originally we were supposed to be running the kids portion of the tent ministry Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. When we got there, we were told though that if we just did Thursday and Friday that would be good. When Thursday arrived we get to the tent meeting 15 minutes before it was to be starting, standard protocol for arriving to clubs. And there were only two people there! So Jean and I go and see what’s happening and find out that it will probably be starting a little later, and that the Pastor would be there soon. When the Pastor did arrive, we went and talked to him and found out that actually they didn’t have a tent ready for us to use for the kids (there was just the main tent set up for the adults) and so we wouldn’t be able to do anything with them that night. This was really disheartening for us, and we literally sat in our vehicle for 45 minutes trying to think of a way we could make something work and praying that God would make a way for us to be able to minister to these kids. So, we ended up having to go home without having taught any kids. Friday rolls around then, and between every club that day, Jean and I are praying desperately that this tent would be set up for us and that kids would come. So we arrive that night…and the tent is set up…and there’s children running around!!! We probably could have cried, we were beyond happy. So it ended up just being 8 kids, Jean, and myself, and it was amazing. 4 of the kids we had taught already earlier in the week, but 4 of the kids were new. We had 2 hours with them so we were able to really get to know them and do some games with them too. At the end of Jean’s Bible story, she had asked “Does anyone want to make that decision to ask Jesus into your heart?” And the one girl that we had taught previously in another club that week, put up her hand. Jean was able to talk with her after, and she was very serious about making this decision, and we could see how God had been preparing her heart to receive Him that night. So even though our 3 nights of tent ministry ended up turning into a one night-event, God answered our prayers and brought the kids that needed to be there!


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Hello blog readers, fellow workers, and friends. I'm Kendra Vanstone and am from Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. I just graduated and am looking forward to attending the University of Saskatchewan in the fall. This is my third summer teaching, and I'm excited to see what God has in store for the coming weeks. Please pray for me that I would have lots of strength and energy while working with the kids, that God would give me discernment while teaching, and that I would have safe travels as I will be driving throughout Alberta. Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers.

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