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Posted By: Gwyneth Sichangwa | | Leave a comment

Hey so today was a happy day but at the same time tiring. For the past couple of days I’ve been feeling really sick and that seemed to affect me during the clubs today. So pray for tomorrow that won’t be the case.

Club 1: This club we advertised for yesterday and Grace and I did out best but sadly no kids in the neighborhood came today. There are kids but the neighborhood isn’t very open so pray that the parents hearts would be soften. So today we had the hostess’ sons and they were awesome. Even though there was only 2 of them, it honestly was lots of fun and they got into it. I’m looking forward to teaching there again.

Club 2: So we had 5 kids come today and that awesome. When we got there, 2 boys and their grandma were looking for a house so I asked them if they were looking for the 5-Day Club. In the end they were so that was super exciting. The kids all listened and were engaged which was awesome but they were a quiet group so hopefully they will open up more.

Club 3: So last year Grace and I actually taught this club so we were really able to connect with this hostess and clearly they have such a burden for their community. Yesterday we advertised with her and for the first 15 minutes we had no kids. The hostess went and brought back 2 brothers so that was awesome. At the beginning of club they actually told us they weren’t Christian so we just made sure to go over the basics thoroughly. After the invitation they showed interest in accepting Jesus and they did that today! We found out they were Muslim and even when we advertised at their house we weren’t even sure if they would come. We gave them Bibles so please pray that they will come again and also for the seed there. So please pray these kids.

ChangChang Adventures: So Grace and I are teaching in a small town called Millet. We thought at first it was only a 30 minute drive. However that’s not at all the case; it’s a 74 km drive from our house. We literally had 15 minutes at home after our third club and had to head out. We got there and we were so excited because we thought we were going to be on time. Apparently I put in the wrong address in my phone and we started driving on this township gravel road. We honestly could not figure it out so I called our hostess. After the second call we finally made it and we were about 20 minutes late in the end. But we had 6 kids come and that was great see. I also began feeling super sick during this club and it just felt like lots of opposition was happening. But that’s probably because God is going to do some amazing things with this club. We got there and it was an all girl club. But they were the most energetic girls I have every taught. But they were a great crowd so just pray that they won’t be too energetic for tomorrow.

This is a busy itinerary and lots of driving for Grace so prayer for her and having the energy and enthusiasm for this week. I’m sure this is going to be a week that will stretch me but I know how much more I need to rely on God’s strength to get me through. (:

God Bless,


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