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It actually blows my mind that the first day of Week 4 has concluded! Today we were blessed to have kids come to every single club this week! 🙂 This is definitely a privilege that I am grateful for.

CLUB 1: Gwyneth and I had advertised the night before, and to be honest it was one of the weirdest experiences I have ever had in advertising before. We knocked on a few doors, and at one of the houses, it seemed as though they were pretending to not be home (even though the kids saw us… and yelled it out a couple of times). We ended up with two kids during this club. Even though it might have seemed disappointing that the kids who came were related the hostess, it was still fun. And more importantly, time is never wasted when the Word of God is being taught to others. Total attendance is 2.

CLUB 2:  This group was so much fun! They were very respectful, fairly quiet, but also engaged in club. After talking with this host on the phone, I was initially nervous at the thought of whether or not there would be kids – and there were! Our total attendance is 5.

CLUB 3: Last year, Gwyneth and I had the pleasure of teaching this club, and we were unsure of whether we would have kids. We arrived, and waited about 20 minutes in the backyard, while our hostess went to find the kids. Remember how I asked for prayer, that God would raise my expectations? Well, two kids ended up coming! … and the first thing they explained to me was that they were not Christians. Even though I recognize that we intend to reach the unsaved child, I became really self-concious about explaining everything properly, and giving the gospel in detail… Well, to cut a long story short, one the kids ended up coming to Christ today! 🙂 (We’re going to do follow up with the other child tomorrow as well). I was really encouraged, knowing that he came from a Muslim family, but when I saw him pray to receive Christ, his sincerity was encouraging.

I wish I could say that I was completely encouraged afterwards, but thoughts of doubt, and the lies of the enemy began creeping into my mind – it was overwhelming. But the awesome reality is that God is good, and hopefully He will give us the opportunity to continue to disciple these boys. Our total attendance is 2.

CLUB 4: When I first saw this club in Millet on the itinerary, apparently I had google mapped it wrong – I had the wrong direction, and distance. Might I say it was a far drive,  but a drive that was well worth it. And to cut another long story short, surprise I got lost. Apparently we had tried to find an address that did not exist, which ended up leading me on a skinny, gravel road. Ultimately we ended up finding the house, and these kids were so high energy, it really put me on my toes. They are such a great group of girls, and during “Let’s Get Started”, one of the girls did (arguably) the most impressive dance move I have ever seen – she did a cartwheel, leading into the splits! And if that wasn’t awesome enough, she got up immediately and continued the actions. That’s merely a glimpse of the energy that we were keeping up with. Our total attendance is 6.

Prayer/Praise Requests:

– Praise God for the boy who chose to accept Christ today! 🙂 Pray that God would continue to plant people in his life that can foster his spiritual growth. Also we could prayer for that neighbourhood – we discovered during advertising that there were quite a few people who were Muslim in the area.

– For driving safety – the commute is extensive, and far this week.

– Energy.

– Love for these kids.

– This might seem silly, but I seem to be a medical basket case as of late. This morning I had a sore pinky toe (yes, pinky toe), the nerves in my head are still off, and my eyes have been overly watery due to allergies (not just my overly emotional disposition).

– Ulimately that His will would be done, and that He would give me the strength and courage to be obedient to His will.

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Hi! My name is Grace, and this is my 6th summer teaching 5 day clubs. I feel so humbled, and honored to be involved with this ministry again this year. I'm excited to see how God not only transforms the lives of those that I meet, but the work that He will do within myself. Prayer Requests: 1. For my heart - that it would be so focused on Jesus. 2. For discipline - that I would take the time for daily prayer, and devotion. 3. For His voice - that His voice would be clear to me, as I minister.

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