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Posted By: Quin Sawatsky | | Leave a comment

Since I apparently forgot to give a wrap-up post for last week, here’s the quick version: One of the clubs had to be cancelled, unfortunately, due to weather and hostess’s business with renovations, but the other clubs went pretty well, and we had another boy ask Jesus into his heart–Praise the Lord! There was a lot going on with weather and other things getting in the way of the clubs, but it was a good week overall.

Now, on to this week’s clubs:

Club 1
This club has had a pretty good turnout… there were 11 kids the first day, and 10 today (one of whom was new). Club 1 is a lot of fun to teach because the kids really get into the stories and songs, and I get to do snacks and games and just build relationships with the kids, which is always a good thing.  Also, although the club is in a church, there are a lot of kids from unchurched homes attending… Please pray that God will speak through me at this club to speak the words they need to hear, and that He will soften their hearts and draw them closer to Himself.

Club 2
To be honest, this club has been a bit discouraging… I met a local Christian, who told me where all the children lived, and we even went to some of the acreages outside of the town to advertise, but there were no kids either yesterday or today.  There’s some kids getting back from vacation and there’s a possibility they will come tomorrow, so please be praying about that. I don’t want to diminish the fact that this can all be a part of God’s plan… I had some decent spiritual conversations with some of the locals… but I would really like to be able to reach the kids here! Please be praying that God would soften the hearts of the parents so that they would allow their kids to come, and that God would give the kids a desire to come and check the club out.

Club 3
There were no kids at club 3 yesterday either… today I went advertising around the neighborhood, and half an hour after the club was supposed to start today, I had pretty much given up hope that kids were going to show up.  However, it turned out there was a group of them who had been waiting for me to open the gym doors, where I had been expecting them to come in through the front door.  In any case, it was a case of God showing me not to give up hope too easily!  So we had a super-short club with the 4 boys who showed up.  They were very high-energy and very low-attention-span, so we pretty much just got through a song, a Bible verse, and the Bible story.  However, they seemed to enjoy playing games afterwards, and said that they would invite a friend.  Please pray for me, for wisdom as to how to best teach this club, and that God would use what little I am able to say to them to really impact their lives.  Please pray that these kids would enjoy the club and bring their friends so they can hear the life-changing news of Jesus Christ, too.

That’s all from me today!  On an overall note, I would appreciate prayer for energy to keep on teaching these clubs, and for continued focus on living completely sold-out and surrendered to God and His will for me as I do these last couple weeks of clubs.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for praying.


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My name is Quin Sawatsky. I am a 20 year old student at the University of Saskatchewan studying to get into Education. I am looking forward to seeing how God uses me as I teach 5-Day Clubs for my second time this year. My prayer requests: 1. That God would use me to change children's lives with the Gospel. 2. That I would be seeking to live a Spirit-Filled life focused on God as I teach. 3. That God would use me to disciple workers who I am partnered with.

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