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It actually blows my mind that the first day of Week 4 has concluded! Today we were blessed to have kids come to every single club this week! 🙂 This is definitely a privilege that I am grateful for.

CLUB 1: Gwyneth and I had advertised the night before, and to be honest it was one of the weirdest experiences I have ever had in advertising before. We knocked on a few doors, and at one of the houses, it seemed as though they were pretending to not be home (even though the kids saw us… and yelled it out a couple of times). We ended up with two kids during this club. Even though it might have seemed disappointing that the kids who came were related the hostess, it was still fun. And more importantly, time is never wasted when the Word of God is being taught to others. Total attendance is 2.

CLUB 2:  This group was so much fun! They were very respectful, fairly quiet, but also engaged in club. After talking with this host on the phone, I was initially nervous at the thought of whether or not there would be kids – and there were! Our total attendance is 5.

CLUB 3: Last year, Gwyneth and I had the pleasure of teaching this club, and we were unsure of whether we would have kids. We arrived, and waited about 20 minutes in the backyard, while our hostess went to find the kids. Remember how I asked for prayer, that God would raise my expectations? Well, two kids ended up coming! … and the first thing they explained to me was that they were not Christians. Even though I recognize that we intend to reach the unsaved child, I became really self-concious about explaining everything properly, and giving the gospel in detail… Well, to cut a long story short, one the kids ended up coming to Christ today! 🙂 (We’re going to do follow up with the other child tomorrow as well). I was really encouraged, knowing that he came from a Muslim family, but when I saw him pray to receive Christ, his sincerity was encouraging.

I wish I could say that I was completely encouraged afterwards, but thoughts of doubt, and the lies of the enemy began creeping into my mind – it was overwhelming. But the awesome reality is that God is good, and hopefully He will give us the opportunity to continue to disciple these boys. Our total attendance is 2.

CLUB 4: When I first saw this club in Millet on the itinerary, apparently I had google mapped it wrong – I had the wrong direction, and distance. Might I say it was a far drive,  but a drive that was well worth it. And to cut another long story short, surprise I got lost. Apparently we had tried to find an address that did not exist, which ended up leading me on a skinny, gravel road. Ultimately we ended up finding the house, and these kids were so high energy, it really put me on my toes. They are such a great group of girls, and during “Let’s Get Started”, one of the girls did (arguably) the most impressive dance move I have ever seen – she did a cartwheel, leading into the splits! And if that wasn’t awesome enough, she got up immediately and continued the actions. That’s merely a glimpse of the energy that we were keeping up with. Our total attendance is 6.

Prayer/Praise Requests:

– Praise God for the boy who chose to accept Christ today! 🙂 Pray that God would continue to plant people in his life that can foster his spiritual growth. Also we could prayer for that neighbourhood – we discovered during advertising that there were quite a few people who were Muslim in the area.

– For driving safety – the commute is extensive, and far this week.

– Energy.

– Love for these kids.

– This might seem silly, but I seem to be a medical basket case as of late. This morning I had a sore pinky toe (yes, pinky toe), the nerves in my head are still off, and my eyes have been overly watery due to allergies (not just my overly emotional disposition).

– Ulimately that His will would be done, and that He would give me the strength and courage to be obedient to His will.

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Posted By: Gwyneth Sichangwa | | Leave a comment

Hey so today was a happy day but at the same time tiring. For the past couple of days I’ve been feeling really sick and that seemed to affect me during the clubs today. So pray for tomorrow that won’t be the case.

Club 1: This club we advertised for yesterday and Grace and I did out best but sadly no kids in the neighborhood came today. There are kids but the neighborhood isn’t very open so pray that the parents hearts would be soften. So today we had the hostess’ sons and they were awesome. Even though there was only 2 of them, it honestly was lots of fun and they got into it. I’m looking forward to teaching there again.

Club 2: So we had 5 kids come today and that awesome. When we got there, 2 boys and their grandma were looking for a house so I asked them if they were looking for the 5-Day Club. In the end they were so that was super exciting. The kids all listened and were engaged which was awesome but they were a quiet group so hopefully they will open up more.

Club 3: So last year Grace and I actually taught this club so we were really able to connect with this hostess and clearly they have such a burden for their community. Yesterday we advertised with her and for the first 15 minutes we had no kids. The hostess went and brought back 2 brothers so that was awesome. At the beginning of club they actually told us they weren’t Christian so we just made sure to go over the basics thoroughly. After the invitation they showed interest in accepting Jesus and they did that today! We found out they were Muslim and even when we advertised at their house we weren’t even sure if they would come. We gave them Bibles so please pray that they will come again and also for the seed there. So please pray these kids.

ChangChang Adventures: So Grace and I are teaching in a small town called Millet. We thought at first it was only a 30 minute drive. However that’s not at all the case; it’s a 74 km drive from our house. We literally had 15 minutes at home after our third club and had to head out. We got there and we were so excited because we thought we were going to be on time. Apparently I put in the wrong address in my phone and we started driving on this township gravel road. We honestly could not figure it out so I called our hostess. After the second call we finally made it and we were about 20 minutes late in the end. But we had 6 kids come and that was great see. I also began feeling super sick during this club and it just felt like lots of opposition was happening. But that’s probably because God is going to do some amazing things with this club. We got there and it was an all girl club. But they were the most energetic girls I have every taught. But they were a great crowd so just pray that they won’t be too energetic for tomorrow.

This is a busy itinerary and lots of driving for Grace so prayer for her and having the energy and enthusiasm for this week. I’m sure this is going to be a week that will stretch me but I know how much more I need to rely on God’s strength to get me through. (:

God Bless,


Posted By: Rose Williams | | Leave a comment

Week 4 has begun and I am back in Moose Jaw! It’s weird and nice to get an extra day off and start on Tuesday! I definitely thought it was Monday  more than once today!

Club 1: This club had 3 at the beginning, but then three more came partway through, yay! The kids are optimistic about bringing friends and doing lessons, so that’s great to hear. They weren’t too enthusiastic about singing, but I’m hoping that the level of energy and excitement will go up. Pray that more kids would come and that they would be excited, but still be ale to sit and listen well!

Club 2: Only 3 kids today, although the hostess is expecting a few new ones tomorrow. All three of these kids were unchurched, and didn’t know much about God or the Bible, but they listened very intently and seemed interested. They were also excited to do their lessons, and since we are starting on Tuesday I gave them the first two lessons to do. I think they really need to hear the truths in these lessons. Pray that God would speak to their hearts through the stories and the lessons this week.

I also said if this club got to ten kids, they could soak me with the hose. Then they asked if they could throw water balloons at me, and I said they could if they brought the water balloons. The two girls looked at each other and said at the same time, “Dollar Store!” All three kids were scheming about what friends they could bring and planning to wear swimsuits on Friday. I think I’m going to get soaked!

Club 3: I wasn’t so sure how big this club would be, but it ended up being the biggest of the three and having 10 kids! These children are young, the oldest ones are only 8 or 9, but they did a pretty good job of sitting still and being attentive. It was getting dark and stormy looking, so halfway through A Little Rascal we moved indoors. Two minutes later it started to rain! Despite the brief intermission to change club locations, the rest of the club went well and I think they really liked the Bible stories and will have fun learning the lessons. Once again I gave out two lessons because  we are starting late. Continue to pray that these younger children would be attentive and good listeners.


So praise the Lord that there were kids at all my clubs, with the potential of bringing more and also that kids are excited to do their lessons. You don’t see that at every club. I think these clubs are going to be so good that I am almost wishing that I did have all five days to teach them! Pray that God would bring other kids who need to hear the gospel, that kids would pay attention and listen well, and most of all that the Holy Spirit would  work in their hearts! And pray that any stormy weather would not get in the way of children hearing the gospel message.

As I continue to teach, God has really been giving me joy in this work. I know it must come from Him, because I wasn’t always feeling it at the beginning of the summer! It has been such a blessing to have  the joy of the Lord as my strength!  I think God is showing me a little bit how much He cares about kids and what it means to be an adult and yet have childlike faith. One question I always ask when I teach the Zaccheus story is, “How did Jesus know Zaccheus’ name?” Churched or unchurched kids, the answer is always the same: “Because He’s Jesus! He knows everything!” Some of these kids I don’t think have heard much about God before, yet they always have heard the name of Jesus and understand the concept of an all-powerful God who knows everyone’s name.

These kids are so precious at this age, with such innocent beliefs and hearts so open to accept the message. God has given me a burden to pray that they would stay close to their Heavenly Father as they grow older and face so many worldly temptations. I ask that everyone who is praying for 5-Day Clubs would storm the gates of heaven not only for us, the workers, but for these dear children, that they would come to know Christ and then stand firm in their belief as trials and temptations will surely come.



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Posted By: Olivia Mile | | Leave a comment

After a fantastic long weekend off with my family, I’m back to work with four clubs in Vibank, Indian Head, Montmartre, and Glenavon.

My first club is in Vibank, from 9:30-10:30. They’re on a farm and they said they did some advertising but we only had the hostess’ two kids so far. This is their first year hosting, but they seemed to love the club and said they might call some more people tonight. We decided that if there aren’t more kids tomorrow then they might just join up with my Montmartre club later, since they’re at swimming lessons there, right before that club. So we shall see how the week goes.

The second club is a VBS in Indian Head. This one starts at 10:00 so I don’t get there til 11:00 for the teaching hour. They had 8 kids there today. They were all pretty good except some of the kids kept complaining about being tired, and not wanting to stand to sing the songs, etc.

Next is my club at a farm just outside of Montmartre. It’s from 1:00-2:00 and we had 14 kids there today! The hostess has been doing clubs now for about 6 years she said, so they usually have a pretty good turnout. This one was super fun except for some minor distractions from some of the younger ones.

Lastly I have a club in Glenavon at The Church on the Hill. I got there around 3:00 for the club but unfortunately we didn’t have any kids come. So the Pastor and I drove around a bit and reminded some people and through talking to the people in town, we decided that 6:30-7:30 would be a better time, so we moved the club up. So I went back there today at 6:30 but there was still no kids. I think a lot of them are on holidays or camping or whatever this week, so that’s too bad. But I think there will for sure be kids on Thursday, so we’re going to stick this week out and see how we can do. We’ll have a 2 day club if necessary! 😛

So far my week has gone pretty well. I do have some prayer requests:

  1. Safe travels. I have a lot of driving to do this week, so please pray that I will be able to make it to and from all my clubs in good time and safely.
  2. More kids at my Vibank club! The hostess is really enthusiastic so pray that some more kids show up. And if not, we’ll combine with the Montmartre club and I think that will work out just fine too.
  3. Energy for the kids in Indian Head. They seemed pretty tired today and they kept complaining so pray that God will give them energy and enthusiasm to participate.
  4. Less distractions for my kids in Montmartre. Some of the littler ones (3-4 yrs) are just a bit distracting to some of the older ones.
  5. Kids!! 😀 we need kids here in Glenavon. My host told me they had about 19 last year so it’s kind of odd that there aren’t any so far. So please pray that kids will come and I’ll be able to adjust all my stories and everything well to fit into 2 or 3 days instead of the 4.

Thank you so much for praying for me! This is looking like it will be a good week out here. Pretty busy, but lots of fun. So thank you! Your prayers are certainly felt and much appreciated.

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Posted By: Crystal Durell | | Leave a comment

So after my loverly week off, I’m posted in Kamsack!  (Woot woot!)

Its the first day and I love all the clubs so far!

VBS 1: we had 14 kids on the first day! It’s so much fun, most of them are churched, but a lot haven’t heard some of the stories before.  So far they have all been great listeners!

Club 2: only 4 kids today, but lots of the kids in town are going to the VBS in the morning… one kid is doing both, so I guess he gets double the prizes. (Lucky kid)  it was just the hostess’ kids plus one, so prat for some more kids (perhaps not ones from VBS who know the story XD haha)

Club 3: had some trouble finding Keeseekoose, but once there it was all ok.  We had 11 kids on the first day and 3 decisions! So exciting! Julia has also given all of her bibles away to this club (such a wonderful problem to have XD)  some of the younger ones have problems listening, but many are very attentive.


I’m super excited for the rest of this week! Please pray for energy, enthusiasm, support raising, and awesome (time appropriate) story telling skills.

And praise! Today 3 kids have started their walk with God!

God bless!

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Posted By: Grace Sichangwa | | Leave a comment

This long weekend, I had the great pleasure of going to a wedding (don’t worry Mr. D, not mine). After all of the busyness that came with that, here is my update from this past Friday.

The first two clubs that we had in the morning (so Grace’s first club, and my club one) ended up having no kids to end off the week. But God is good, and gave us time to spend with the kids that did come.

Club Two: Throughout this week, I really struggled at points. “Conveniently” the weather would get really hot during the hour, and get better later (resulting in kids who struggled to pay attention), and at points if seemed as though some of the kids were very distracted. As Grace was finishing the story of Tony, she explained to the kids that God has given us all talents, and abilities that we can use to glorify Him. At this point, one of the boys (who had seemed pretty distracted) said, “God gave me the gift of silliness.” Man, God really convicted me through the simple words of this little boy. For that girl that had something to say about everything, it might just be that God has uniquely wired you to be attentive to details. To the boy who seemed pretty stubborn, maybe God has gifted you to be a world changer – someone who is willing to go against the grain of “normalcy”. It was a sobering, simple, yet important reminder that God cares about every one of these kids… And to end off this club, all of the kids had the chance to throw water at us, which was chilly, but so much fun. The final total was 15 kids.

Club Three: This club was so much fun! Since these kids loved dancing so much, at the end of club we had a dance circle. It was so funny because Grace had decided not to dance in the circle, and when the kids asked her to join we ended up explaining to them that she was Mennonite, and that was why she couldn’t join in. These kids had energy, and it could be distracting at times, but it was so encouraging to see that so many of these kids have hearts that desire to please God. The final total for this club was 7 kids.

As I began my post from earlier today Gwyneth and I did advertising for a couple of clubs today. I know I asked for prayer for expectation, and God exceeded it! As we were advertising this morning, I walked down the street, and saw this little girl, sitting in the window. I ended up talking to her family, and they sincerely seemed interested in attending tomorrow! He is awesome!

I have come to realize that I have been so content with my low expectations of what God will do. I’m not trying to say that it’s God’s right to show me revival because I ask, but instead of recognizing His sovereignty in situations that are disappointing, I feel relief because I didn’t have high hopes in the first place. This is horrible! God is good, He is awesome, and He’s been slowly, but surely, destroying this skewed view that I hold of Him. I’m nervous, but excited to see what He will do next.

Prayer Requests:

– That the families we spoke to would attend club tomorrow.

– For travel. Monday’s are my worst because I frequently exercise my Lauren Ryan giftings… (I get lost).

– For energy.

– And that I would see the people that I work with through His eyes.

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Posted By: Grace Sichangwa | | Leave a comment

Later today I will do a blog post about the end of last week. However, I just wanted to quickly post a prayer request. Gwyneth and I are going advertising for our clubs 1 & 3 today. To be perfectly honest, I’m feeling a little hesitant about whether or not we’ll find kids. BUT God is good, so let me give you the requests here:

1. That God would raise my expectations of His capabilities – it’s the Holy Spirit, not my savvy words that will bring children to these clubs.

2. That God’s voice would be really clear, and that he would point us to the houses, and people that we should give invitations to.